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Helping people change their lives.


Therapeutic Assessment

Therapeutic Assessment (TA) is a paradigm in which psychological testing is used to help people understand themselves better and find solutions to their persistent problems. Therapeutic Assessment differs from traditional psychological assessment, whose main goal is to diagnose disorders, plan treatments, and evaluate the effectiveness of interventions; Therapeutic Assessment can serve all these purposes as well, but its primary goal is to facilitate positive changes in clients. From the Therapeutic Assessment Institute.


TA for

Adults & Teens

Over the course of several sessions, you will complete a variety of psychological tests and we will explore the results together.  We'll combine your expertise about your life with our expertise about testing to help you make changes in your life.



Clients who are seeking psychological services other than a TA will find
additional information below.


& Consultation

Professionals and organizations looking to conduct Therapeutic Assessments with their clients may benefit from workshops or consultations to build clinician knowledge and skill.



Note that Dr. David is an out of network provider--more information on Billing page.

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